2024 | Reading time: 10 Minutes

Resume layout: How to find the perfect structure

When creating your resume for a job application, you may wonder: How do I lay out an entire life? Here are some tips to help you create the right format and design to impress recruiters.

Resume Layout

Your job application needs to be compelling at first glance. That's why your resume should make a good visual impression while allowing the details of your life to speak for themselves. But don't worry: just follow these guidelines and you can compile your personal information into a concise and appealing resume.

Resume layout – the basic structure

The first thing you should do when writing your resume is to figure out which information about yourself is relevant to your job application. You may want to start by collecting every bit of information about your educational and work history so you can get a good idea about the scope of your resume. You'll also be able to see which stages of your life require additional information and which stages you could keep more concise to save space. Your personal (contact) information should never be cut from your resume of course, as it serves as the foundation of your job application.

Make sure that your recruiter can identify the most important pieces of information at a glance, by following this overall structure:

The most useful layout for your resume is a two-column layout with dates and time frames on the left and details on the right. This allows recruiters to see all the stages of your career or education at a glance, while leaving plenty of room for adding details about what exactly you did at your previous place of employment. So, the layout should have the date on the left side, followed by the corresponding job title or a short description to the right, such as "training as a bank administrator" or "retail salesperson". You can also put additional information underneath that title or description, such as your final grades, projects you worked on, or the responsibilities your job entailed.

You can highlight important details, but be sure not to overdo it, as this may make your resume harder to read.

If you're looking for an alternative resume layout, you could eliminate the two columns, structuring all the stages of your life on the left side in single-column format. Make sure you use your job title as a headline, followed by details about your job. If you're opting for this structure, you should use bullet points to make the information more easily digestible. And since you're not putting the dates in a separate column on the left, but on the right next to your job description, you should absolutely highlight the dates using a special color or font. Otherwise, recruiters won't easily see them, which makes your entire resume seem unstructured.

Use resume templates for a straightforward layout

If you lack confidence in your ability to create your own layout, you can always use pre-made resume templates. They're easy to fill in, which saves you a lot of work and ensures your resume will look professional, even if your layouting experience is limited. Good templates have a cohesive appearance that fits well with your job application portfolio.

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Your resume layout should follow a common thread

In terms of visual design, your resume layout should follow a common thread, just as the content of your resume does. To create a consistent design that follows a common thread, you should consider the following elements:

Are there any hard rules for your resume layout?

While most recruiters will accept a resume that was made following the guidelines above, there are no official rules for structuring your resume in the US. In fact, some job seekers with little to no work experience may choose to list the skills they've acquired instead of following their employment timeline. However, be mindful that certain countries may have recognized official norms. Though they may still consider your application if it doesn't comply with these norms, not following them may not always work in your favor.

For job applications in the US, you can simply follow the rules outlined here. But when applying for a job abroad, you should always check whether there are any official rules or widely-accepted norms you're expected to follow.

Make sure your resume is easy to read

Since there are no official norms to follow for resumes in the US, it might seem as though you have a lot of freedom to choose a layout that suits you and the position for which you're applying. But always keep in mind: The structure of your resume is supposed to help recruiters find the information they're looking for. If your resume is structured in a highly unusual manner, they may not find crucial information quickly and may decide that your application is not worth their time. In short, clarity and readability are paramount factors in your resume layout.

You may still be able to attract a recruiter's attention with an unconventional resume structure, of course. However, your structure should follow a few general guidelines to ensure readability:

Some additional guidelines for a professional-looking resume

You don't need a graphics design degree to create your own resume layout and design. Just follow these tips to make your job application stand out:

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