Take advantage of Cvhero.com Premium benefits

Decide how long you wish to be a Premium member. Choose a plan and enjoy access to all Premium benefits for the period of your choosing. During this time, you will have unlimited access to PDF downloads of your job applications. After your selected period is over, your Premium membership will automatically end.

1 month$16.99 eachVAT included.
Watermark-free PDF downloads
5 job application profiles, including cover letter and resume
Save and customize templates as needed
save 41 %!
3 months for$9.90 eachTotal $29.70 incl. VAT
Watermark-free PDF downloads
5 job application profiles, including cover letter and resume
Save and customize templates as needed
save 59 %!
6 months for$6.90 eachTotal $41.40 incl. VAT
Watermark-free PDF downloads
5 job application profiles, including cover letter and resume
Save and customize templates as needed
Free$0.00Free forever
Watermarked file download
1 job application profile, including cover letter and resume
Save and customize templates as needed

One-time payment

No subscriptions, no hidden costs


Create and download your job application

Tailored templates

The perfect template for any job application

Frequently asked questions

Is an account with CVhero.com free?
Yes, the basic account to create job applications with a watermark is free of charge.
Which features can I use with a free account?
With a free account, you can create a resume, a cover letter, and a cover page. You can download them as a watermarked PDF. Additionally, you can create an unlimited number of job applications.
Is it possible to test the resume editor without registering?
A free account is required to ensure data security.
Is the data in my free account saved?
Yes, once you have registered, your account data and any data you add to your digital resume will be stored and you will be able to edit them without restriction.
How long will my data and resume content be stored?
With an account at CVhero.com, your entered data and content will be stored. This information remains accessible even if you cancel your Premium membership and switch to a free membership.
How can I create a resume without a watermark?
Only Premium members can download their resumes without a watermark.
Why should I become a Premium member?
As a Premium member, you can download an unlimited number of job applications free from watermarks. This also applies to applications you have previously created with your free account. As a Premium member you can edit up to 5 different applications at the same time, which includes the cover letter, resume and cover page. Each version of your application is saved separately.
Does a Premium membership renew automatically?
No. Your Premium membership will automatically conclude at the end of your selected term once your plan expires. You do not need to cancel your membership separately. Your Premium account will transition to a free account, allowing you access to all your data entries and content. You can download your resume, cover page and cover letter, all with watermarks. If you have created and saved multiple resumes during your Premium membership, these will also be available in the free version – albeit with a watermark.
When can I renew my Premium membership?
You can renew your Premium membership at any time. When a new Premium plan is added to your active Premium account, your Premium membership will automatically extend to the new period based on your new plan.
How much does it cost to renew my Premium membership?
We offer substantial discounts for returning customers. These offers are valid for CVhero.com members and are tied to their accounts; they can’t be transferred to another account.
Are there any additional costs?
No, there are no additional fees or charges.
Why should I keep my CVhero.com account?
Changing jobs is quite normal. Many employees hold numerous jobs throughout their careers. By staying with us, you make it easier to change jobs because all your resume data is preserved and the discount offer for future customers remains valid if you decide to rejoin as a Premium member, regardless of when you last logged in.

Do you need assistance?
Our support team is happy to assist you if you have any questions about Cvhero.com.

You can reach us by email: contact@cvhero.com

Our support team is available from Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Feel free to contact us during these hours.